
Spirituality always has been a complicated subject for many, and that’s why most of the people end up shying away from it. This is a shame, because spirituality can be a great medium through which a miserable life can turn into a beautifully lived life. The most common reason behind all these is that spiritual leaders have failed in making this ancient pristine wisdom simple. Most of the times this knowledge remains complicated due to hidden personal goals and desires on part of these spiritual so called leaders. Spirituality is all about finding your true self and can be very simple like going and sleeping in your mother’s lap, not having to make appointment for it. Here we will help you find that your own self via enlightening discussions and through true life experiences of Dr. Shrenik Shah which can become a guiding light for your life.

Date Subject Video Audio Article Question and Answers
Oct 17,2024 ધ્યાનના વધુ ગહન પગલાં. - - -
Oct 17,2024 ध्यान के अधिक गहन चरण. - - -
Oct 17,2024 More profound steps of Meditation. - - -
Oct 17,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Oct 17,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 17,2024 Thought of the Day. - - -
Oct 14,2024 ધુમ્મસનું મૌન - - -
Oct 14,2024 कोहरे का सन्नाटा - - -
Oct 14,2024 Silence of the fog – a Poem. - - -
Oct 09,2024 What is the difference between desires and desriring? - - -
Oct 09,2024 સંસાર ક્યાં છે? - - -
Oct 09,2024 संसार कहाँ है? - - -
Oct 09,2024 Where is Samsara? - - -
Oct 09,2024 એસિમિલેશન, ધ્યાનની એક મહત્વપૂર્ણ પદ્ધતિ. - - -
Oct 09,2024 आत्मसात, ध्यान में एक महत्वपूर्ण विधि. - - -
Oct 09,2024 आत्मसात, ध्यान में एक महत्वपूर्ण विधि. - - -
Oct 09,2024 Assimilation, an important method in meditation. - - -
Oct 01,2024 ધ્યાન – કરવું વિ ન કરવું. ( Doing Vs Non- Doing ) - - -
Oct 01,2024 ध्यान – करना बनाम न करना। - - -
Oct 01,2024 Meditation – Doing Vs Non-Doing. - - -
Oct 01,2024 સુખ અને દુ:ખ - - -
Oct 01,2024 Sukh and Dukh - - -
Oct 01,2024 Sukh and Dukh - - -
Oct 01,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Oct 01,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 01,2024 Thought of the Day. - - -
Oct 01,2024 ईश्वर किसका है? - - -
Oct 01,2024 Who does the God belong to? - - -
Sep 27,2024 નાના કીડા મને એક મોટો પાઠ શીખવે છે. - - -
Sep 27,2024 छोटे कीड़े मुझे बड़ा सबक सिखा रहे हैं। - - -
Sep 27,2024 Tiny worms are teaching me a big lesson - - -
Sep 27,2024 Whole Food Plant Based diet and Environment - - -
Sep 27,2024 Balloon of life - - -
Sep 27,2024 સ્વયંસ્ફુરિત રડતી જોડણી - - -
Sep 27,2024 अचानक रोने का दौर - - -
Sep 27,2024 Spontaneous crying spells - - -
Sep 23,2024 તમે કોણ છો? - - -
Sep 23,2024 आप कौन हैं? - - -
Sep 23,2024 Who are you? - - -
Sep 12,2024 Three kinds of Silence. - - -
Sep 12,2024 મૃત વૃક્ષ પર મશરૂમ્સ – એક આધ્યાત્મિક પાઠ. - - -
Sep 12,2024 मृत पेड़ पर मशरूम – एक आध्यात्मिक सबक। - - -
Sep 12,2024 Mushrooms grow on a dead tree – a spiritual lesson. - - -
Sep 12,2024 ચેતનાની સ્વતંત્રતા - - -
Sep 12,2024 चेतना की स्वतंत्रता - - -
Sep 12,2024 Freedom of Consciousness - - -
Sep 12,2024 ડાયમંડ અને રેડ વેલ્વેટ - - -
Sep 12,2024 हीरा और लाल मखमल - - -
Sep 12,2024 Diamond and the Red Velvet - - -
Sep 12,2024 अध्यात्म के चार चरण - - -
Sep 12,2024 આધ્યાત્મિકતાના ચાર પગલાં - - -
Sep 12,2024 Four steps of Spirituality - - -
Sep 12,2024 એક સાપ અને છછુંદર - - -
Sep 12,2024 एक साँप और छछूंदर - - -
Sep 12,2024 A Snake and Chachhundar - - -
Sep 12,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર - - -
Sep 12,2024 आजचा सुविचार - - -
Sep 12,2024 Thought of the Day - - -
Sep 12,2024 બોધ પર ઝેન બૌદ્ધ ધર્મ - - -
Sep 12,2024 ज्ञान प्राप्ति पर ज़ेन बौद्ध धर्म - - -
Sep 12,2024 Zen Buddhism on Enlightenment - - -
Sep 12,2024 World of No Reason - -
Aug 31,2024 પ્રેમની તાકાત - - -
Aug 31,2024 प्रेम की शक्ति - - -
Aug 31,2024 Strength of Love - - -
Aug 31,2024 પ્રેમ - - -
Aug 31,2024 प्यार - - -
Aug 31,2024 Love - - -
Aug 31,2024 ટીકા - - -
Aug 31,2024 आलोचना - - -
Aug 31,2024 Criticism - - -
Aug 15,2024 એક ટોપલીમાં ચિકન - - -
Aug 15,2024 टोकरी में मुर्गियाँ - -
Aug 15,2024 Chickens in a basket - - -
Aug 15,2024 પ્રેમની શક્તિ - - -
Aug 15,2024 प्रेम की शक्ति - - -
Aug 15,2024 Power of Love - - -
Aug 15,2024 કાંકરાનું જીવન - - -
Aug 15,2024 कंकड़ों का जीवन - - -
Aug 15,2024 Life of pebbles - - -
Jul 22,2024 દરેક વિચાર નરકનો પ્રવેશદ્વાર છે. - - -
Jul 22,2024 हर विचार नरक का प्रवेश द्वार है। - - -
Jul 22,2024 Every thought is a gateway to hell. - -
Jul 22,2024 તમારો સાચો સ્વભાવ. - - -
Jul 22,2024 आपका सच्चा स्वरूप. - - -
Jul 22,2024 Your true Nature. - - -
Jul 18,2024 આપણું સૌથી મોટું અજ્ઞાન. - - -
Jul 18,2024 हमारा सबसे बड़ा अज्ञान. - - -
Jul 18,2024 Our biggest Ignorance. - - -
Jul 18,2024 પ્રકાશ વિ. અંધકાર. - - -
Jul 18,2024 प्रकाश बनाम अंधकार. - - -
Jul 18,2024 Light Vs. Darkness. - - -
Jul 13,2024 ધ્યાન કરવાની એક પરિવર્તનકારી, ક્રાંતિકારી રીત. - - -
Jul 13,2024 ध्यान करने का एक परिवर्तनकारी, क्रांतिकारी तरीका। - - -
Jul 13,2024 A transformative, revolutionary way to meditate. - - -
Jul 13,2024 મન સાથે સમસ્યા. - - -
Jul 13,2024 मन से सम्बंधित समस्या. - - -
Jul 13,2024 Problem with the mind. - - -
Jul 13,2024 આધ્યાત્મિક રીતે માઉન્ટ એવરેસ્ટ પર ચડવું. - - -
Jul 13,2024 आध्यात्मिक रूप से माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ना। - - -
Jul 13,2024 Climbing Mt Everest, spiritually. - - -
Jun 11,2024 આપણો સાચો સ્વભાવ. - - -
Jun 11,2024 हमारा सच्चा स्वरूप. - - -
Jun 11,2024 Our true Nature. - - -
Jun 11,2024 પ્રકૃતિને સમજવી. - - -
Jun 11,2024 प्रकृति को समझना. - - -
Jun 11,2024 Understanding the nature. - - -
Jun 11,2024 સ્થિતપ્રજ્ઞ રાજ્ય ક્યાં આવેલું છે? - - -
Jun 11,2024 स्थितप्रज्ञ राज्य कहां स्थित है? - - -
Jun 11,2024 Where is the Sthitpragnya state located? - - -
May 13,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
May 13,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
May 13,2024 Thought of the day. - - -
May 13,2024 મન તમને જ્ઞાનથી કેવી રીતે દૂર લઈ જાય છે? - - -
May 13,2024 मन आपको आत्मज्ञान से कैसे दूर ले जाता है? - - -
May 13,2024 How does mind take you away from Enlightenment? - - -
May 13,2024 મન અને જ્ઞાન. - - -
May 13,2024 मन और आत्मज्ञान. - - -
May 13,2024 Mind and Enlightenment. - - -
May 13,2024 જાગૃતિ ડોલર બિલ જેવી છે. - - -
May 13,2024 गरूकता डॉलर के बिल की तरह है. - - -
May 13,2024 Awareness is like dollar bills. - - -
May 13,2024 સંસારથી કેવી રીતે મુક્ત થવું? - - -
May 13,2024 संसार से मुक्त कैसे हों? - - -
May 13,2024 How to be free from Sansar? - - -
May 13,2024 Suffering is OUR choice. - - -
Apr 09,2024 Why did I become Plant-based? - - -
Apr 03,2024 એક ઝાડ પર બે પક્ષીઓ. - - -
Apr 03,2024 एक पेड़ पर दो पक्षी. - - -
Apr 03,2024 Two birds on a tree. - - -
Apr 03,2024 What is Turiya state? - - -
Apr 03,2024 જીવન એક ચિત્ર છે - - -
Apr 03,2024 जिंदगी एक पेंटिंग है - - -
Apr 03,2024 Life is a painting. - - -
Apr 03,2024 Journey to Advait - - -
Apr 03,2024 તમે પોપટ છો. - - -
Apr 03,2024 तुम तो तोते हो. - - -
Apr 03,2024 You are a parrot. - - -
Mar 05,2024 હું કોણ છું? - - -
Mar 05,2024 मैं कौन हूँ? - - -
Mar 05,2024 Who am I? - - -
Mar 05,2024 બિનશરતી પ્રેમ. - - -
Mar 05,2024 बिना शर्त प्रेम। - - -
Mar 05,2024 Unconditional Love. - - -
Mar 05,2024 શૂન્યતા – 2 - - -
Mar 05,2024 शून्यता-2 - - -
Mar 05,2024 Shunyata – 2 - - -
Mar 02,2024 શૂન્યતા. - - -
Mar 02,2024 शून्यता (शून्यता)। - - -
Mar 02,2024 Shunya state. - - -
Mar 02,2024 Thought of the day. - - -
Mar 02,2024 તમારી ઇન્દ્રિયોના ઘોડા. - - -
Mar 02,2024 आपकी इंद्रियों के घोड़े. - - -
Mar 02,2024 Horses of your senses. - - -
Feb 21,2024 પહેલા તમારી જાતને પ્રેમ કરો. - - -
Feb 21,2024 पहले अपने आप को प्यार करो। - - -
Feb 21,2024 Love yourself first. - - -
Feb 21,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Feb 21,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Feb 21,2024 Thought of the day. - - -
Feb 21,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Feb 21,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Feb 21,2024 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 31,2024 મન એક સમસ્યા છે. - - -
Jan 31,2024 मन एक समस्या है. - - -
Jan 31,2024 Mind is a problem. - - -
Jan 31,2024 શું સંસાર એક સ્વપ્ન છે? - - -
Jan 31,2024 क्या संसार एक सपना है? - - -
Jan 31,2024 Is Sansar a dream? - - -
Jan 31,2024 તમારી જાત ને પ્રેમ કરો - - -
Jan 31,2024 खुद से प्यार करो। - - -
Jan 31,2024 Love yourself. - - -
Jan 29,2024 મૃત્યુ એક ભ્રમણા છે. - - -
Jan 29,2024 मृत्यु एक भ्रम है. - - -
Jan 29,2024 Death is an illusion. - -
Jan 28,2024 વાદળો ઘણા છે, સૂર્ય એક જ છે. - - -
Jan 28,2024 बादल अनेक हैं, सूर्य एक है। - - -
Jan 28,2024 Clouds are many, Sun is only One. - - -
Jan 28,2024 What is yours? - - -
Jan 28,2024 Karmyog of Krishna - - -
Jan 23,2024 આનંદનો વરસાદ – એક કવિતા. - - -
Jan 23,2024 आनंद की वर्षा – एक कविता. - - -
Jan 23,2024 Rain of Bliss – a poem. - - -
Jan 23,2024 આપણી અંદર સુંદરતા. - - -
Jan 23,2024 हमारे भीतर सौंदर्य. - - -
Jan 23,2024 Beauty within us. - - -
Jan 23,2024 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Jan 23,2024 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Jan 23,2024 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 23,2024 ધ્યાન – અન્ય વ્યક્તિનો અનુભવ. - - -
Jan 23,2024 ध्यान – दूसरे व्यक्ति का अनुभव. - - -
Jan 23,2024 Meditation – another person’s experience. - - -
Jan 23,2024 ધ્યાન – એક વ્યક્તિનો અનુભવ. - - -
Jan 23,2024 ध्यान – एक व्यक्ति का अनुभव. - - -
Jan 23,2024 Meditation – one person’s experience. - - -
Jan 23,2024 જુસ્સો - - -
Jan 23,2024 जोश - - -
Jan 23,2024 Passion - - -
Jan 23,2024 સંસારથી ઉપર ઉઠો - - -
Jan 23,2024 संसार से ऊपर उठना - - -
Jan 23,2024 Rising above the Sansar - - -
Dec 15,2023 આપણે બધા ખોટી કંપનીમાં છીએ. - - -
Dec 15,2023 हम सब गलत संगत में हैं. - - -
Dec 15,2023 All of us are in the wrong company. - - -
Dec 15,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Dec 15,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Dec 15,2023 Thought of the Day. - - -
Dec 12,2023 આનંદ અને પીડા. - - -
Dec 12,2023 सुख और दुख। - - -
Dec 12,2023 Pleasure and Pain. - - -
Dec 11,2023 આજનો ધ્યાન અનુભવ. - - -
Dec 11,2023 आज का ध्यानात्मक अनुभव. - - -
Dec 11,2023 Today’s Meditative Experience. - - -
Dec 11,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Dec 11,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Dec 11,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Dec 09,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Dec 09,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Dec 09,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Dec 09,2023 જંગલમાં ધ્યાન. - - -
Dec 09,2023 जंगल में ध्यान. - - -
Dec 09,2023 Meditation in the woods. - - -
Dec 07,2023 આત્મા સરળ છે. - - -
Dec 07,2023 आत्मा सरल है. - - -
Dec 07,2023 The soul is simple. - - -
Nov 29,2023 इसमें नदी बहती है – एक कविता। - - -
Nov 29,2023 River runs through it – a poem. - - -
Nov 28,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Nov 28,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Nov 28,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Nov 27,2023 જંગલી ફૂલો આપણને શું શીખવી શકે છે? - - -
Nov 27,2023 जंगली फूल हमें क्या सिखा सकते हैं? - - -
Nov 27,2023 What wildflowers can teach us? - - -
Nov 23,2023 થેંક્સગિવિંગની ઉજવણી. - - -
Nov 23,2023 थैंक्सगिविंग मनाना. - - -
Nov 23,2023 Celebrating Thanksgiving. - - -
Nov 22,2023 અંતર્જ્ઞાન એ આમંત્રણ છે. - - -
Nov 22,2023 अंतर्ज्ञान निमंत्रण हैं. - - -
Nov 22,2023 Intuitions are Invitations. - - -
Nov 21,2023 हम वहां नहीं होंगे – एक कविता. - - -
Nov 21,2023 We will not be there – a poem. - - -
Nov 21,2023 ચેતનાનો પ્રકાશ. - - -
Nov 21,2023 चेतना का प्रकाश. - - -
Nov 21,2023 The Light of Consciousness. - - -
Nov 18,2023 આપણે આપણા જીવનમાં ખરેખર કંઈક મોટું ગુમાવીએ છીએ. - - -
Nov 18,2023 हम अपने जीवन में वास्तव में किसी बड़ी चीज़ को मिस कर रहे हैं। - -
Nov 18,2023 We are missing something really big in our life. - - -
Nov 17,2023 આપણે કોણ છીએ? - - -
Nov 17,2023 हम कौन हैं? - - -
Nov 17,2023 Who are we? - - -
Nov 17,2023 Where is happiness? - - -
Nov 12,2023 જીવનનું ગીત – એક કવિતા. - - -
Nov 12,2023 जीवन का गीत – एक कविता. - - -
Nov 12,2023 Song of Life – a poem. - - -
Nov 12,2023 સંસારનું ચક્ર. - - -
Nov 12,2023 संसार का पहिया. - - -
Nov 12,2023 The wheel of Samsara. - - -
Nov 12,2023 What to do for obsessive thinking? - -
Nov 12,2023 How to deal with Emotional distress? - - -
Nov 09,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Nov 09,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - -
Nov 09,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Nov 09,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Nov 09,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Nov 09,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Nov 04,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Nov 04,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Nov 04,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Nov 04,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Nov 04,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Nov 04,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Oct 30,2023 આપણે સૌ એક રથ છીએ. - - -
Oct 30,2023 हम एक रथ हैं. - - -
Oct 30,2023 We are a chariot. - - -
Oct 26,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Oct 26,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 26,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Oct 26,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Oct 26,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 26,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Oct 26,2023 જીવનનું સરળ ગણિત. - - -
Oct 26,2023 जीवन का सरल गणित. - - -
Oct 26,2023 The simple mathematics of life. - - -
Oct 26,2023 તમે કોણ છો? - - -
Oct 26,2023 आप कौन हैं? - - -
Oct 26,2023 Who are you? - - -
Oct 24,2023 દિવસનો વિચાર. - - -
Oct 24,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 24,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Oct 23,2023 એક સમુદ્રમાં પોટ - - -
Oct 23,2023 एक सागर में बर्तन - - -
Oct 23,2023 Pot in an ocean. - - -
Oct 22,2023 ચેતના, રાજવૈદ્ય. - - -
Oct 22,2023 चेतना, राजवैद्य। - - -
Oct 22,2023 Consciousness, the Rajvaidya. - - -
Oct 22,2023 મન એક પ્રોજેક્ટર છે. - - -
Oct 22,2023 मन एक प्रोजेक्टर है. - - -
Oct 22,2023 Mind is a projector. - - -
Oct 19,2023 પ્રેમ અને નફરત 2 – વિશ્લેષણ - - -
Oct 19,2023 प्यार और नफरत 2 – विश्लेषण - - -
Oct 19,2023 Love and Hate 2 – Analysis - - -
Oct 19,2023 પ્રેમ અને નફરત 1 - - -
Oct 19,2023 प्यार और नफरत 1 - - -
Oct 19,2023 Love and Hatred -1 - - -
Oct 19,2023 ભગવાન સુધી કેવી રીતે પહોંચવું. - -
Oct 19,2023 परमात्मा तक कैसे पहुंचे. - - -
Oct 19,2023 How to reach the divine. - - -
Oct 12,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 12,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Oct 12,2023 विस्मय ( वंडर ) इन प्रैक्टिस. - - -
Oct 12,2023 Vismay ( wonder ) in practice. - - -
Oct 04,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Oct 04,2023 Thought of the Day. - - -
Sep 30,2023 विवेक बनाम चेतना. - - -
Sep 30,2023 Conscience Vs Consciousness. - - -
Sep 30,2023 Who are we? - - -
Sep 26,2023 आजचा सुविचार। - - -
Sep 26,2023 Thought of the Day. - - -
Sep 25,2023 Thought of the Day. - - -
Sep 25,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Sep 22,2023 प्रत्येक विचार एक बीज है। - - -
Sep 22,2023 Every thought is a seed. - - -
Sep 22,2023 आग या राख का जीवन, आपकी पसंद. - - -
Sep 22,2023 Life of a Fire or Ash, your choice. - - -
Sep 20,2023 Reality of Sansar - - -
Sep 17,2023 Art of Repenting - - -
Sep 17,2023 Giver vs. Receiver - - -
Sep 14,2023 How to do a successful meditation. - - -
Sep 14,2023 Consciousness is Mother’s Lap. - -
Sep 14,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Sep 03,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Sep 03,2023 Dreams Vs. the Sansar ( a dream ). - - -
Sep 02,2023 Thought of the Day. - - -
Aug 29,2023 Mahavir’s views on wisdom. - - -
Aug 29,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Aug 29,2023 What is personality? - - -
Aug 29,2023 What is wisdom? - - -
Aug 29,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Aug 29,2023 Solar System and Us. - - -
Aug 29,2023 Silence - - -
Aug 12,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Analysis of Desires. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Maze of Sansar - - -
Aug 12,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Mahavir’s Path to Moksha. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Message for today. - - -
Aug 12,2023 Satsang - - -
Aug 12,2023 Solar Meditation. - - -
Jul 04,2023 Power of Silence - - -
Jun 23,2023 Meditation is Parasailing - - -
Jun 23,2023 Matrix Of Consciousness - - -
Jun 23,2023 Yogakshema of Jesus !! - - -
Jun 23,2023 Sansar is Recycled. - - -
May 12,2023 The world of Grandchildren. - - -
May 12,2023 The world is impermanent & so are you. - - -
May 10,2023 Understanding Ssansakaras. - -
May 10,2023 Sansaric Vs. Spiritual Awareness. - - -
May 10,2023 Cause of our suffering. - - -
May 10,2023 Experiencing Consciousness. - - -
May 10,2023 From negativity to positivity – audio. - - -
May 10,2023 Realizing impermanence – a poem. - - -
May 10,2023 Spirituality – a path of tears.. - - -
May 10,2023 A quote by Jean Aspen. - - -
Apr 14,2023 Life and death. - - -
Apr 04,2023 Nature of Nature. - - -
Apr 04,2023 The science of Gunas - - -
Apr 01,2023 What do you see in this picture? Find your spiritual depth. - - -
Apr 01,2023 Power of God. - - -
Apr 01,2023 Where are your roots? - - -
Apr 01,2023 Sansar Vs Nature. - - -
Mar 21,2023 We are a movie screen. - - -
Mar 19,2023 Sun of consciousness. - - -
Mar 15,2023 Importance of Faith. - - -
Mar 15,2023 What is Faith? - - -
Mar 15,2023 Thoughts. - - -
Mar 11,2023 How to find God, staying in Sansar. - - -
Mar 09,2023 What is Sansar? A must for all spiritual practitioners. - - -
Mar 08,2023 Buddha’s begging bowl. - - -
Mar 07,2023 From Snow Fall to Buddha. - - -
Mar 05,2023 Rethink the strategy of your life. - - -
Mar 02,2023 How to handle an illness in life. - - -
Feb 26,2023 What is the freshest thing in life? - - -
Feb 25,2023 Friends and Enemies. - - -
Feb 25,2023 How to convert a negative life to a positive one. - - -
Feb 22,2023 Grief, how to deal with it? - - -
Feb 17,2023 Silence - - -
Feb 17,2023 The cyclone of Sansar - - -
Feb 17,2023 Life wants to live. - - -
Feb 10,2023 Nirvikalp Samadhi - - -
Jan 31,2023 Empire of Consciousness. - - -
Jan 28,2023 KNOW the KNOWER. - - -
Jan 27,2023 Sansar Vs Samadhi. - - -
Jan 27,2023 Sansar is an Airbnb ! - - -
Jan 26,2023 What is the difference between us and Mahavir or Buddha? - - -
Jan 26,2023 Nature of God ( Godliness ). - - -
Jan 26,2023 What is ours? - - -
Jan 25,2023 Source of honesty.. - - -
Jan 25,2023 Mind is a machine gun.. - - -
Jan 25,2023 Dvait to Advait conversion. - - -
Jan 23,2023 Understanding consciousness. - - -
Jan 23,2023 Why is the path of spirituality difficult? - - -
Jan 19,2023 What’s the fundamental difference between the success in Sansar vs success in spirituality? - - -
Jan 19,2023 Science and spirituality. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 19,2023 What does it mean to be “In Time.”? Or “ Respecting Time.”? - - -
Jan 19,2023 Where is the equality ( balance ) hidden? - - -
Jan 19,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Find your own truth. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Thought of the day. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Everything is Consciousness. - - -
Jan 19,2023 Convergence of all true seekers. - - -
Jan 19,2023 What are our limitations in experiencing the infinite? - - -
Jan 19,2023 Who is responsible for your spiritual progress? - - -
Jan 01,2023 Consciousness – the best doctor there is. - - -
Jan 01,2023 How to become Happy? - - -
Jan 01,2023 Happy New Year? - - -
Jan 01,2023 Why are we so blinded ( mesmerized ) by the Sansar, even though we know that it is worthless? - - -
Jan 01,2023 Where is consciousness hiding? - - -
Jan 01,2023 Flame of Consciousness. - - -
Dec 26,2022 What’s wrong with religions? – Audio. - - -
Dec 23,2022 How to donate. - - -
Dec 22,2022 What is Faith – Audio. - - -
Dec 22,2022 What is Faith? - - -
Dec 17,2022 Mahavir’s Path to Moksha in six steps. - - -
Dec 16,2022 What can we learn from fireflies? - - -
Dec 10,2022 What do we learn from pots in an ocean ? - - -
Dec 08,2022 From Boredom to Samadhi. - - -
Dec 07,2022 Why do we get bored? - - -
Dec 06,2022 Purpose of Life - - -
Nov 30,2022 Sansar is a game, but there is a life beyond. - - -
Nov 26,2022 The drama called Sansar. - - -
Nov 23,2022 What is death? - - -
Nov 23,2022 FInding the consciousness. - - -
Nov 23,2022 We choose our own suffering. - - -
Nov 23,2022 I am the ONE. - - -
Nov 23,2022 Using negation to experience Samadhi. - - -
Nov 23,2022 How to raise our children. - - -
Nov 23,2022 Looking at life from the Bliss Sheath. - - -
Nov 23,2022 How to do a Silent Hike. - - -
Nov 23,2022 Giving Vs Receiving. - - -
Nov 23,2022 How many eyes do you have? - - -
Nov 23,2022 A message on a Teacher’s Day. - - -
Nov 23,2022 Rain Dance - -
Nov 23,2022 How to live life? - - -
Nov 23,2022 Belief in relations – a pitfall on spiritual path - -
Nov 23,2022 The Beauty of the Aster Flower - - -
Nov 23,2022 A drama called Sansar - - -
Nov 20,2022 How to respond to other’s anger. - - -
Nov 20,2022 Anger management - - -
Nov 19,2022 Passion for Dispassion. - - -
Nov 19,2022 Quantum Entanglement and Spirituality - - -
Nov 19,2022 Be Common and win the World. - - -
Nov 19,2022 From Somethingness to Everythingness - - -
Nov 19,2022 What do you think of Trump? Sansar and meditation don’t match. - - -
Nov 19,2022 Silence speaks. - - -
Nov 18,2022 Life is an illusion. - - -
Nov 18,2022 The Silence. - - -
Nov 18,2022 The Dance of Consciousness. - - -
Nov 18,2022 From Dvait to Advait - - -
Nov 18,2022 Consciousness – the fragrance of Life. - - -
Nov 18,2022 Soul – Your best friend. - - -
Nov 18,2022 Breathing to Samadhi - - -
Nov 18,2022 What is Me and Mine? - - -
Nov 18,2022 Why did God create such a Beautiful Human Body? - - -
Nov 18,2022 The mirror of Consciousness. - - -
Nov 18,2022 WAKE UP TO BUDDHATVA - - -
Nov 17,2022 Anxiety – how to deal with it – spiritually. - - -
Nov 17,2022 Anxiety – how to deal with it – spiritually. - - -
Nov 15,2022 Rose is a rose… - - -
Nov 14,2022 A trip to Infinity - -
Nov 14,2022 Guilt of stealing - - -
Nov 14,2022 How to deal with grief. - - -
Nov 14,2022 Death is beautiful. - -
Nov 11,2022 Mind is a big fog - - -
Nov 11,2022 Egos fall - - -
Nov 11,2022 Unpredictability - - -
Nov 11,2022 Silence of the Fog - - -
Nov 11,2022 Science of Spirituality - - -
Nov 03,2022 Desire - - - Desire
Nov 03,2022 Karmyog and Gyanyog - - - Karmyog
Mar 05,2020 Science to Samadhi - -
Mar 05,2020 What is beyond good and evil – 2 - - -
Mar 05,2020 What is beyond good and evil – 1 - - -
Jan 06,2020 Knowing the unknowable. - - -
Jan 06,2020 Journey into Unknowable – 3 - - -
Jan 06,2020 Journey into Unknowable – 2 - - -
Jan 06,2020 Journey into Unknowable – 1 - - -
Jan 06,2020 what is beyond good and bad – 2 - - -
Jan 06,2020 Diet advice by Mahavir -3 - - -
Jan 06,2020 Meditation for Beginners - -
Dec 18,2019 Enlightenment of Buddha - - -
Dec 18,2019 Chariot of life - - -
Dec 18,2019 What is beyond good and bad? - - -
Dec 18,2019 Non violence of Mahavir - - -
Dec 18,2019 Diet advice – by Mahavir – 1 - - -
Dec 18,2019 Diet advice – by Mahavir -2 - - -
Dec 18,2019 Do you really want to be a Jain ? - - -
Dec 18,2019 Kaivalya as per Mahavir - - -
Dec 18,2019 Dharma as per Mahavir - - -
Nov 25,2019 Suicide - - -
Nov 19,2019 Namokar Mantra - - -
Nov 19,2019 My journey to God - - -
Nov 19,2019 Mahavir Vani - - -
Nov 19,2019 What would Mahavir do? - - -
Nov 19,2019 Sanyam of Mahavir - - -
Nov 17,2019 Positivity - - -
Apr 11,2019 Mahavir - - -
Apr 01,2019 Shunyata -
Apr 01,2019 Divine love - - -
Apr 01,2019 Search of infinite - - -
Apr 01,2019 Ego - - -
Apr 01,2019 Silence - - -
Apr 01,2019 Compassion and Non Violence - - -
Apr 01,2019 Consciousness - -
Apr 01,2019 Awareness - -
Apr 01,2019 Freedom / free will - - -
Apr 01,2019 Samadhi - -
Apr 01,2019 Happiness - - -
Apr 01,2019 Material and Spiritual - -
Apr 01,2019 Spirituality - -
Apr 01,2019 The Absolute - - -
Feb 11,2019 Guided Meditation - -
Feb 07,2019 Atma / Soul - - -
Feb 07,2019 Mind - -
Feb 07,2019 Illusion of sansar / life - -
Feb 07,2019 Dr Shah Spiritual Experiences - - -
Feb 07,2019 Anger - -
Feb 07,2019 Anxiety - -
Jan 25,2019 Your role in life - -
Jan 25,2019 Pitfalls in the path of spirituality / samadhi - - -
Jan 25,2019 Sufferings - - -
Jan 24,2019 The Nature - -