Is Sansar a dream?

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Is Sansar a dream?

Is Sansar a dream?



Our body is material, but ultimately, matter is nothing but energy.

Our mind, which is meant for us to navigate this “material” world, is also energy.

Our thoughts are energy, our beliefs are energy, our desires are energy, and our ambitions, visions, and imaginations are all energy.

So, Sansar is an extensive complex interplay of energy taking various forms, where forms ( physical or mental ) are transient, but the energy is timeless and perpetual.

This interplay (Sansar) is complex, but the energy itself is simple; it is formless.

This scenario is not different from the dreams we all get at night.

Dreams are products of our ( dreamer’s ) mental energy.

Dreams are always complex looking, but our mental energy is simple.

The dream characters seem real, but only while watching the dream.

Once we wake up, the dream loses its “reality,” and we laugh.

Meditation is the path we must take to witness ( create separation from ) the complex Sansar ( physical and mental ) as nothing but a dream.

For every complex-looking dream, there is a dreamer who is a simple reality.

For us, the complex Sansar is real, and we are lost in it and suffering.

Only when we witness the Sansar as an interplaying dream can we find the dreamer ( the consciousness ), the ultimate simple reality, which is the state of samadhi?

Sansar haunts us with its complexity and unpredictability.

Samadhi state gives us peace, tranquility, and assurance of the simple ultimate reality.

Learn from the dreams.

Dreams are a phenomenon, a microcosm of the gigantic macrocosm of the consciousness that we call Sansar, and we are its dream characters, not the ultimate reality.

Transcend your Ego (a false belief that YOU are real ), and wake up to the ultimate reality.


We are the dreamers, so we are also the sufferers.

Dreaming is our habit, our deep core addiction.

Night dreams are not the only dreams we see.

What are the other dreams that capture us?


Our desires and fears.. anxiety about the future, and past regrets.

And who dreams for us?

Mind is a necessity to operate in Sansar.

It would have been fine if it stopped at that only ( being our servant, our tool ).

But it has taken us over and has become our boss.

We are helpless against it.

We create past only to escape from the present, and same about the future.

We ( our mind ) is not just bold enough to face the reality of the present.

That shows the miserable weakness of the mind, and yet we keep returning to it.


Mind is all we have.

We go through a deep sleep state every night, which is a dreamless state, and we still don’t learn from it.


Because we sleep through it, we are asleep.

Meditation is not sleeping through the dream called Sansar; it is remaining awake AND seeing the dream.

And yes, that is possible.

A deep sleep state is being UNDER the current of thoughts ( dreams ), and meditation rises above the current of thoughts ( dreams ).

Waking up is Buddhatva.


When someone keeps believing in the dreams he saw at night, we laugh at him.

But when Buddhas see us believing in the dream called Sansar and laugh at us, we get offended.

We just have decided not to wake up.








Jan 31,2024

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