Mahavir’s views on wisdom.

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Mahavir's views on wisdom.

Mahavir’s views on wisdom.

One who settles down in wisdom not only makes the right decisions about food but also on the choice of words, choice of friends, and even choice of thoughts ( what to think, and what not to ).

Wisdom is the most precious gift of consciousness to us, and it trains us eventually to become Sthitpragnya ( steady intellect ) because consciousness itself is in that state.

When we become settled in wisdom, we start having a new vision to look at Sansar.

Mahavir gave us a beautiful word for it – Samyag Darshan ( which is the Pragnya Chakshu of Krishna ).

Samyak Darshan (True Perception Or Right Faith),

Samyak Gyan (Right Knowledge) ( knowledge of the true self ).


Samyak Charitra (Right Conduct) constitutes the path to liberation.

This in turn leads to –

Samyag Vani ( speech )

Samyag Vichar ( thoughts )


Samyag Drashti ( viewing of Sansar )

These three constitute the three pillars of Jainism.

And there is no source of wisdom other than within.

It arises from within.

Sansar, dual itself, cannot ” give” you that gyan ( knowledge ) of non-dual Advait state.

Stop running.

Go within.

That’s the only place Advait is residing.

Mangoes will grow only on a mango tree, not on Limdo ( a tropical tree known for its bitterness ).

Most people give in to Vishaya ( objects of pleasure ) under peer pressure, due to the absence of spiritual strength.

Not participating where backbiting is going on and not getting carried away with it, requires strength.

A reactionary anger is easy; staying silent, and not reacting requires strength.

When racist talks are going on, keeping full awareness and observing the mind, and not letting it fall for it, requires strength.

This strength is not physical but spiritual, and it arises from the consciousness itself, which is strong and immutable.

Such spiritual strength has not been known to us because we have lived only a worldly life, where only physical strengths are revered and compared.

So, even appreciating the newfound spiritual strength, it takes time and more life events to prove its strength.

There is no real strength in Sansar, because everything is sooner or later, destructible.

Wisdom is the bridge that takes you from destructible to indestructible – the soul; there is no way to destroy it.

Whatever you are aware of ( including your body and mind ) will be destroyed, but awareness itself will never, even if the whole universe gets destroyed.

Aug 29,2023

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