The world is impermanent & so are you.

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The world is impermanent & so are you.

The world is impermanent & so are you. 


Life events are like jets left behind by jet planes.

They are barely created, and they start dispersing.

But we don’t let them disperse.

We hold onto them in our minds for, ever and ever.

Mind was a product of crystal clear consciousness.

But we make it foggy with millions of pieces of clutter.

Lack of clarity leaves us with foggy decisions and confused judgments.

Attaching impermanence to every object, person, or situation will let us ride on a state of permanent awareness 24×7.


The basic method that I recommend in meditation is –

“ The observer and the observed both cannot be one. They have to be two separate entities.”

Thoughts are impermanent, and so are the life events.

So, the observer of the impermanent has to be permanent.

The ONE that KNOWS that everything is impermanent, THE KNOWING ENTITY, the consciousness has to be permanent.

And it is emanating from within you, 24×7.


But we get carried away into life events, get attached to them, and become UNAWARE of our own AWARENESS.

When we lose money in the stock market, we think that “we” lost the money and get depressed.

For us, our impermanent body ( Ego ) is real.

The ego wants to win and rejoices when it wins.

But one who rejoices in winning must suffer when a loss occurs.

For the Ego, winning is real, and suffering will also be real, leading to a life full of storms – up and down.

If we can maintain a full state of awareness and INCLUDE OUR BODY also in that impermanent collection by watching ourselves also as just a player in this big drama of Sansar, then permanent awareness starts surfacing. ( An observer Vs. the observed ).

When life ends, our body ( the impermanent ) will come to an end, and so will Sansar ( a collection of impermanent).

But –

Permanent consciousness will not because it is a spirit.

Art is to observe all life events without associating with them.

Like when we meditate, we observe the thoughts and do not get attached to them.

Spirituality is all about realizing the ultimate permanent entity.

We think thoughts come and go, and events come and go, so we should learn to just let them go, and we can if we understand that well.

But are “we” permanent?


We are relatively more permanent than thoughts or events, that’s all.

How about mountains?

Mountains have seen lots of civilizations come and go.

So, mountains are more permanent than us.

But then, are mountains permanent?


Permanence is a relative concept when it comes to matter.

And mountains are material and so are impermanent also, except that their life spans are longer than ours.

The consciousness is the ultimate champion of permanence because it is not material, it is spirit.


You can experiment when you are by yourself and not interacting with the world.

Just be aware of what your body is doing.

If you are walking, just be aware of your body’s movement, that right leg is going forward and then left, and right again.

If you are sitting, be aware of your sitting posture.

This will start lifting your awareness to a different level.

Walking starts and comes to an end.

Sitting starts and comes to an end.

But the awareness of both is a continuous state, it never ends, ( unless you become unaware ).

This way awareness will start becoming a separate, definite entity for you, separate from the world of course, separate from your body also – because the body is impermanent and awareness is not.


It will not be easy in the beginning.

But with practice, it will come slowly.

That is open-eye meditation.









May 12,2023

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