The science of Gunas

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The science of Gunas

The science of Gunas

Like our personalities reflect three Gunas, science says that our physical universe is also made of three fundamental particles.

1. Electrons
2. Protons
3. Neutrons

If you realize, they correlate closely with Gunas.

Electrons are negatively charged ( Tamas – who always TAKE ).

Protons are positively charged ( Tapas – who always GIVE ).

Neutrons are neutral ( Rajas – GIVE and TAKE neutralized ).

So, just as our physical Sansar breaks down into three particles, our mental Sansar breaks down into three Gunas.

Christianity also breaks down the world into THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.

This is the explanation of the world we live in – physical and mental.

But consciousness is above all three pillars.

The consciousness is one source from which this trinity arose.

Meditation helps you reach the thoughtless space of consciousness within, from where you can calmly witness the dance of the three Gunas making the whole Sansar – which includes your body, mind, ego, and everything and everyone else in the universe.

That is the seat of pure divinity, and it is all of us, realizable with diligent practice.

Apr 04,2023

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