Love and Hatred -1

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Love and Hatred -1

Love and Hatred 1

One question came from the group to me, followed by some discussion and great results.

“So, Dr Shah, I meditate regularly and have felt wonderful many times in the past, but lately, I’m almost consumed by only one person’s thoughts.” A Sadhak said.

“Describe,” I said.

“This person used to be my very close friend in the past. We were close for almost ten years, and we have drifted apart for the last 3-4 years. For no apparent reason, she just broke the relationship.” She said.

“Tell me more about your relationship. How did you come to know her, and how was your relationship with her, etc.” I asked.

“I just bumped into her at one of the parties, and we had common interests, so we started talking.

She was impressed with my knowledge.

Even though I was well-trained in computer graphics, I was jobless then.

She highly recommended me at her work. I went for the interview, and I got the job.

We started working together and had an excellent time for a while.

But gradually, she started changing.

I was very good at my work. She started getting jealous of my progress.

She always had an anger issue, and one time, we even had a major verbal fight.

But we still managed a relationship.

But somehow, 3-4 years back, she just cut off the relationship.

I have moved on and have found a much better job.

We hardly talk to each other.

But somehow, I just can’t get her out of my mind.

What do I do? “ She asked.

“I exactly know what you should do, and it is something that YOU have to do; I can’t do it for you.

I don’t want to give any advice.

My words won’t penetrate your heart.

I want you to do a contemplative meditation.” I said

“What is contemplative meditation?” She asked

“Contemplative meditation is a problem-focused meditation.

Normally, when we meditate, we do a generalized meditation without focusing on anything particular.

And that is the best way to meditate without any expectations.

But sometimes, when a problem has taken deep roots in your mind, and you want to come out of it, you do contemplative meditation.

Exercise a lot, generate lots of energy, and then sit down to meditate with plenty of time in hand.

There is a big difference between just thinking and contemplative meditation.

In thinking, you are just using your mental energy to keep thinking about the same problem repeatedly, but the mind cannot find a solution for a deep-seated problem like this. (Otherwise, it would have already).

But contemplative meditation is where you actually BECOME the consciousness and then reflect on your mind ( you ), the other person ( or object, or a situation ), and the existing problem, all as an independent observer (literally like a judge, supervising an ongoing trial between two parties.

This is not easy, but with a little practice, you can grasp it.” I said.

From now on, a few weeks, I received a call from her.

“Doctor Shah, your suggestion was wonderful.

I’m so happy now. Contemplative meditation fixed my mind so well.” She said.

“Describe to me what happened,” I said. I was curious.

“I did what you said, a problem-focused contemplative meditation.

I kept analyzing her and mine relationship over many years, all the way from the starting point until now.

I kept getting deeper and deeper.

First, I focused on the present fact that I hated her personality, anger, rudeness, and especially the fact that she had stopped all communication with me, and I realized this was a situation that I couldn’t do anything about.

As I continued, I started shifting towards the initiation point of our relationship when I met her first time, when I had no job, and she recommended me at her job..

This event changed my life because I wasn’t getting a job.

This job has blossomed into a nice professional career for me.

This change set up the whole career for me, and this happened because of her support.

Realizing this, suddenly, a sweet Bhav arose from my within.

A Bhav of appreciation, a Bhav of gratitude, a Bhav of love for her.

But it was more than just that.

The gratitude was not just for her, but somehow for the whole existence that created her and brought her into my life to bring a new direction at the right time.

Somehow (and I can’t explain more), it seemed that her entry into my life was programmed by some higher power in the vast scheme of things. At this point, he is sending me a message just to let go, let go of the hatred component that I was carrying, and stay with love, appreciation, and gratitude, which was deeply hidden within and now was surfacing.

And I did.

It almost felt like a spiritual surgery.

I experienced an uncontrollable smile from within, realizing the power of the almighty, the indescribable existence.

And I ended the meditation.

This is a permanent cure for the hatred I was carrying within me.

It has turned now into love for her permanently.

I don’t have to go and tell her.

She won’t even understand this.

But –

My life has become beautiful.

I have replaced my flimsy hatred with the power of unconditional love, which proved superior, giving me a new path in spirituality.

Thank you Dr Shah for suggesting contemplative meditation.” She said

I smiled and said,” You did everything, I just showed you the path.”

Oct 19,2023

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