The Light of Consciousness.

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The Light of Consciousness.

The Light of Consciousness.


Someone in the group said.” Light is essential. Without light, we would only have darkness.”


From the Sansaric point of view, this statement may be correct, but spiritually speaking it is not.

Even standing in the darkest of the darkest rooms, you never lose awareness of your presence ( existence ).

Awareness does not need any light.

Awareness is the light itself, by itself, never requiring anything to define it.

The light of the sansar is appreciated only in relation to darkness. That’s why in Sansar everything becomes invisible in the darkness.

In the dimension of pure awareness, it never gets dark. It is always the light.

Nothing can shut it off.

There is no way to shut it off.

You can ignore its existence ( by becoming Sansarmay- being grossly immersed in Sansar ), but cannot shut it off.

And that’s the light all of us searching for, on the spiritual path.


This darkness is the holy grail of spirituality.

This thoughtless, mindless state of pure awareness someday, will become a birthplace of Krishna within you.

Krishna WAS born in darkness.

Mahavir got enlightenment in the darkness of the night.

Buddha got enlightened in the very early morning when the last of the stars were fading away, after meditating deeply overnight.

This VOID, this darkness is mysterious, but only patience and perseverance will deliver you to the infinite existence that is beyond the mundane Sansar.

Everybody is born and everybody dies.

“DO” something different.

This is the moment to rise and start the journey.

This moment will not come back.

Nov 21,2023

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