We are missing something really big in our life.

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We are missing something really big in our life.

We are missing something really big in our life.



What we are missing out in life, can be learned from these two pictures.

Spend some time on them, and try to see, what you are missing.

Most people will not get it.

Let me explain –

All our life we have been collecting memories of experiences of various events that took place in our lives, and we are still busy doing the same thing.

If you equate each of our life experiences with a baseball card, our mind is like a kid’s room full of jumbled-up baseball cards.

We are holding onto the memories of these experiences walking around with them and bragging about them as if we have achieved something great in life.

But –

Something is missing here.

What is missing that we are overlooking?

We had an open question in the group, but no one got it.


So, everyone is close, but not there.

A is very close, and so is R.

By mind, I’m sure R meant TOTAL MIND ( Chitta ), which includes the emptiness ( as A said ), plus the impressions from the Sansar ( in the form of thoughts, memories, likes, dislikes, beliefs, convictions, etc ( Shankaracharya calls it Sanskaras – which are our responses to the outside impressions coming in ).

A baseball card collection will not be possible without the room ( the space ).

A statement cannot be written without a blackboard.

We focus on baseball cards and get mesmerized by them, but forget the emptiness of the room – the most essential component for the collection to exist.

Similarly, we read written sentences, interpret them, and form opinions about them, but never realize the role of the blackboard.

Similarly, we get lost in Sansar ( its impressions on our chitta ), create opinions about it, create whirlpools of thoughts, emotions, anxiety, stress, depression, etc, but never think of connecting to the matrix of consciousness ( Chitta Akash ) that is allowing this impressions to take place. ( Just like when we watch a movie, we get lost in the movie and forget about the screen ).

So, these examples of the baseball cards collection, written statements on a blackboard, etc, we can utilize while meditating.

Start giving less and less importance to the thoughts and explore the emptiness of Chitta, which is conscious also, and start getting familiar with it.

When life comes to an end, this emptiness will be the only entity that will give us company, nothing else will – the baseball cards or write-ups, or the movies, even the whole Sansar.


Nov 18,2023

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