Celebrating Thanksgiving.

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Celebrating Thanksgiving.

Celebrating Thanksgiving.

Let’s remember something.

Three things are the rarest on this planet. ( and that’s why worth being thankful for ).

Manushyatva ( human life )

Mumukshatva ( intense desire to connect with the self )


Dharmalaabh ( availability of true Dharma ).

( in that order, and in perfect harmony )

– Mahavir


Real Thankfulness ( Gratitude ) arises only after you have connected with your true self – the consciousness.


Who will practice it?

YOU ONLY. ( as you are ).

And YOU ( as you are ) will have only material pleasures and material happiness to be thankful for. ( That’s what the whole world is doing ).

Their living is limited, their thinking is limited and that’s why, objects of their thankfulness will also be limited.

It’s like one frog comparing the condition of HIS well with another frog’s well, –

“My well is full of water. I’m happy and thankful for it.”

No, true thankfulness ( gratitude ) cannot be practiced, cannot be learned, cannot be taught, and even cannot be wished for each other – IT HAS TO ARISE FROM WITHIN.

When you connect with the CONSCIOUS EXISTENCE, within, you realize your true source, and you become shunya ( nothing ).

In that Shunya state, realization happens that there is nothing like you, and nothing like yours either.

You get dissolved completely.

And in that state precious gem of gratitude arises from within.

And your every single breath, every morsel of food that you get, becomes His gift, and your whole life becomes His prayer.

Samadhi state is thankfulness for the shower of His opulence, grace, and benevolence in your life.

Real thanksgiving comes rarely, not every year, but once it comes, it stays forever, because consciousness is forever, and Sansar is not.

Real thanksgiving comes rarely, not every year, but once it comes, it stays forever, because consciousness is forever, and Sansar is not.

Thankfulness unless actually assimilated in your own experience, is merely a mechanical practice and is worth two cents.


Nov 23,2023

Nov 23,2023

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