What wildflowers can teach us?

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What wildflowers can teach us?

What wildflowers can teach us?

My take on wildflowers is very deep.

As we know wild flowers are just that, wild.

That means they live in the vagaries of nature, where nothing is guaranteed.

Sun, rain, heat, food, all are unpredictable.

Wildflowers have to be flexible, strong, and fearless to survive and eventually thrive, after a struggle full of life.

Living in the wild means, nature is everything for you.

It requires tremendous faith in nature, that whatever nature is doing, must be good.

After all, it created us.

Now compare wildflowers with the flowers grown in greenhouses, where there is a controlled environment.

Sunlight, air, water, food, etc are all predictable.

Here, for the plants, the owner of the greenhouse is everything, not nature.

And they are delicate.

If you put them outside, in the wild, they will die out in a very short time.

We are also just like the greenhouse plants.

We live protected in our human society, with everything controlled in our lives – food, water, air, temperature, etc.

And, not just basic sustenance, we are also interdependent for many many things.

Even our Ego ( identification ) is given to us by the society.

Our name, siblings, education, religious identities, ideas, and thoughts, all come from outside.

We share our emotions, like love, hatred, fear, etc.

We live in a balloon of protective environment all around us.

When we start meditating, we are starting a journey away from this protective Sansar.

Here, many people panic, because they have to walk away from their identities, their Ego, their minds, etc, just like a greenhouse plant will panic if it has to be set out in harsh weather.

While meditating, we have to give up what is known to us and venture into the vast unknown of the infinite consciousness.

There is nobody there.

No parents, siblings, spouse, children, assets, and not even your guru.

You are by yourself in a vast, infinite kingdom of consciousness.

We have given up all the pleasures and securities of life.

We are in transition, and we are not even sure whether we will be taken care of by the consciousness or not.

Steady faith, patience, and courage will be needed, with a strong conviction that whatever will happen, will happen for good.

Then, finally, with all that, eventually, the wildflower of Samadhi blooms.

Wildflowers can teach us a lot.

Nov 27,2023

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