Death is an illusion.

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  • Jan-01-1970

Death is an illusion.

Death is an illusion.


Sun is always there.

Days and nights are only temporary illusions.

Life is always there.

Births and deaths are only temporary illusions.

In our limited understanding of time, childishly, we keep playing a hide-and-seek game of day and night with the Sun and believe it to be real.

We celebrate the day and panic at night just because we cannot see the Sun, even though it is always there.

Day and night are only two dimensions of one reality – the Sun.

Similarly, we celebrate life and hate death, never realizing that both are only dimensions of a single reality of life-giving life – the consciousness.


If someone is a “day person” and likes days only, he automatically has chosen to dislike the nights.

And similarly, a “night person” becomes a hater of the day.

But in reality, the Sun is the creator of the day and the night, both.

Sunlight, of course, creates the days, but the absence of days makes nights.

Days and nights dance around each other.

Days and nights both define each other.

And both merge into one entity- the Sun.

Without the Sun, both will disappear.


Each “like” in the world creates a “dislike.”- immediately.

Sansar is like a wild river, full of dualities.

The moment you put your one foot in it, its force drags you into its dualities.

So, what’s the solution?

DON’T CHOOSE ( Desire ).


Desire life, and you will hate death.

Not choosing either, you meet the nectar of life.

Desire sweets, and you will hate bitter foods.

Desire summer and you will hate winter.

But, by not choosing in life and accepting everything in life with joy, you meet the choiceless Sun of consciousness.

Jan 29,2024

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