Mind is a problem.

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Mind is a problem.

Mind is a problem.


Mind is the seat of duality.

The mind creates thousands of possible outcomes of a scenario in front of us.

Out of all those possibilities, only one is going to happen.

All the rest of the possibilities the mind creates are its imaginations ( illusions, dreams ), not reality.

Mind is a daydreamer.

Out of only one reality, the mind creates many possible alternatives.

Our fault is we believe the mind, so we believe all of those possibilities are realities.

This generates a wild jungle of thoughts in our heads.

Every single thought can potentially open up an unimaginable wild world in our minds.

Of thousands of thoughts, only a few are necessary and constructive; the rest are nonsense.

We must confront our mind as a stand apart entity- our true self.

Our true self is the consciousness ( awareness, soul ), the ultimate energy source on which the mind dances.

Regular dialogues with the mind in meditation can be a very effective strategy to weaken it.

If the mind is doing its monkey dance, confront it and tell it to go wherever it wants to.

Create a Bhav ( attitude ) of “ I am not coming with you” within.

Without your cooperation, it cannot go far.

The mind is a dog, and the soul is its owner.

No matter how wild a dog may be, it will not leave its master because the master is its food source.

It will start weakening slowly.

And eventually, it will leave you with a peaceful and calm state of existence where only PRESENT remains, no past, no future.

And you will be ready to embrace all possibilities.

Gradually, it will become your way of life.


Jan 31,2024

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