Shunya state.

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Shunya State

Shunya. ( Nothingness ). 

A conversation with my 11-year-old grandson.

“ So, Nikhil, there is something like anti-particle.”

“What do you mean? How can you have a particle that is anti-particle?”

“ Particles with a positive charge would have a particle which is charged opposite.

A positively charged particle can have a particle of precisely the same mass but an opposite charge. So, when they both meet, they get neutralized. “

“Hmm. That is like zero; when +2 meets -2, they get neutralized to become zero.”

“Wow, Nikhil, your extrapolation is marvelous. It is correct.” I said.

But it was the following statement he made that startled me regarding his profound understanding of power.

“That means zero is not nothing. It is something. It is holding onto +2 and -2. “ he said.

I said,” Yes, precisely correct. That’s what holds the whole secret of spirituality.”, but I didn’t explain further at this point.

Then, we got into further discussion about the particle and anti-particle.

“Science has shown that nothing that is matter can travel faster than the speed of light because to propel it to that speed requires an infinite amount of energy and that we don’t have.

And yet, the particle and anti-particle somehow come to “know” about each other instantaneously. “ I said.

“How is that?” He asked.

“Studies have shown that if you separate a particle and its corresponding anti-particle and move one particle, say, clockwise, the other one will move precisely in the opposite direction, anti-clockwise, on its own.

This happens regardless of the distance.

Whether you separate them by 2 feet and thousands of miles, it doesn’t matter.

They somehow are connected in such a way that they come to know about each other instantaneously.

The light cannot be the medium to connect; it will be too slow.

So, there has to be some field that includes both and connects them both instantaneously.”I said.

“Oh, now I got it.

You said earlier to me when I asked, “Was Jesus God?” that “Jesus was not and is not God, but he connected with the God within him.”

And I agree, if he was God ( his physical body ), how come he died?

A God cannot die.

That means he connected with that field, which connects everything and everyone, including him and maybe all of us. “

Now, I had nothing left to discuss with this kid anymore.

I was amazed to see his grasping power and logic were superb and well-organized.

“That means that the “nothingness” we experience within us while meditating, is not nothing after all.

Maybe that’s where that secret field of Godliness is hiding. We need to and should connect with it, like Jesus did.”

Mar 02,2024

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