Who are you?

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Who are you?

Who are you?


The birth was not in your hand.

You were assembled out of something, by something, without your knowing or approval, because you were not there ( as you).

Death also will not be in your hands.

You will be disassembled by something, into something, and without your knowing and approval, because you will not be there, again ( as you ).

In between the two, there is something that is maintaining you, your breathing, your heart, your digestion, your energy, etc., without your knowing or approval ( even though you are here as YOU ).

So, how much is the role or meaning of this YOU in this grand scheme of things?

Learn to stay aware that all this is happening right in front of your awareness ( which is separate from YOU ).

Rise higher and stay in awareness mode.

When you get hungry, be aware that your body is hungry.

When you walk, remain aware that the body is walking.

Be aware that your body and mind are getting angry when you get angry.

Don’t try to decide whether anger is good or bad or justifiable.

Just be aware.

In a few days, a separate entity will start getting created, which is only a witness of the grand scheme of life being played right before your awareness.

Then you find a divine peace watching the big miracle of life.

Oct 26,2023

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