Beauty within us.

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Beauty within us.

Beauty within us.



Nature EXUDES its beauty all the time for no reason.


Happiness is built into us; it is our birth rite and our choice.

We don’t need an occasion to be happy.

The happiness on an occasion is only a reflection, secondary to an external event – new year, birthday, etc.

Go within, synchronize with the consciousness, BE the timeless consciousness, and you have found a key to timeless happiness.

Let your life be an expression, not a reflection.

A mirror only reflects what’s out there.

If it reflects the sun and thinks it has its own light, that is foolishness.

Do you think people become happy just by wishing each other happiness?

Wishing happiness does not bring happiness to anyone.

Let the happiness arise from within.


Happiness is a built-in feature of consciousness; we were born with it.

Happiness is staying put precisely where you are ( mentally ).

The moment you wished for something ( anything ), your journey started away from the source ( Atma ) itself.

Wishing ( for the self or others ) means opening ( mentally living in ) the future.

And the future is always an imagination.

Imagination can only create an illusion of happiness, not real.

Don’t live an imaginary life.

Let the world live in it.

You can do better than them; you are a spiritual sadhak.

Happiness is here and now.


Jan 23,2024

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