What is the most important thing for a fruitful interaction to occur between a teacher and a student?

What is the most important thing for a fruitful interaction to occur between a teacher and a student?Author "admin"What is the most important thing for a fruitful interaction to occur between a teacher and a student?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

A student should come empty (without any knowledge).


An empty mind is a fertile ground for the seed of spirituality to turn into a seedling.


How should a teacher come?


The Teacher also should be in the same state – a silent state of full and peaceful awareness.


By becoming silent – The ego of the student and the Ego of the teacher, both become nonexistent.


And in that state, the transfer of the KNOWLEDGE happens from the pure consciousness of the teacher to the pure consciousness of the

student and communion happens.


In communion, a strange thing happens.


The student feels content because he received a lot – the joy of receiving something precious.


At the same time, the teacher also feels content that he passed on something precious.


If a student’s Ego is alive while listening, it will try to argue, find faults in the teacher’s statements, compare with knowledge received from other

sources, interject one’s own ideas, philosophies, etc.


And if the teacher’s Ego is alive while speaking, then the truth will not come out in its purity, and speaking impurity has no value – it’s better to

say nothing.


There is contentment on both sides – and that’s true communion because contentment is the true nature of the infinite consciousness and both

parties get to experience that in true communion.