What is meditation?

What is meditation?Author "admin"What is meditation?
admin Staff answered 1 year ago

In short, Meditation is mindfulness, and mindfulness means being aware of your mind.


But that is just the beginning.


Why do you want to become aware of your mind?


Because the mind is the storehouse of all your sufferings.


Anxiety, stress, grief, desires, competition, greed, superiority and inferiority complexes, anger, depression, everything resides in your mind, making your life miserable.


By becoming aware of your mind in meditation, you can train yourself to be AWAY from your mind and look at the mind just as a witness.


Once you become proficient in this, you develop a great clarity in life to realize the cause of your suffering.


With the help of this clarity, you can start making changes in your life, which can bring peace to your life, which everyone wants.