What do we learn from Fire?

What do we learn from Fire?Author "admin"What do we learn from Fire?
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

Fire is an enigmatic element.

  1. Fire is a purifier. It destroys the matter, which is dualistic, into ashes that are non-dual. In life, we all will be different, but after death, we all will be the same. Ash of a rich person and Ash of a poor cannot be distinguished.
  2. Fire converts matter into energy ( heat ).
  3. It generates and emanates light in the darkness.  Without Sun ( the ultimate fire ), the world will plunge into a deep freeze and eventual death.
  4. In a minuscule way, the fire burns our food and generates energy ( prana ) for us to live our daily lives.

Fire is the symbol of spiritual purity.

Clarity of Consciousness ( the ultimate knowledge ) has been equated to the fire which burns your ignorance.

When the ore of gold is burnt, pure gold comes out.

Spiritual sadhana is a tap ( spiritual practice ) that purifies you.

Burns anger and leaves behind love.

Burns discrimination and leaves equality.

Meditation IS FIRE.

Fire is difficult to handle.

You can get burnt if you don’t know how to handle fire.

Similarly, on the spiritual path, the realization of the self is that dynamic fire that is difficult to hold on to.

So, developing Agni Bhav ( attitude of being a Fire ) by staying on the side of the TRUTH can transform your life.

Fire is energy.

Energy makes you restless, but it helps you ascend. ( positivity ).

If you are not careful, it can take you into negativities also; just the way fire burns food for us and gives us energy, it can also destroy your house and acres and acres of forest.