How do we convert Kurukhestra into Dharmakshetra?

How do we convert Kurukhestra into Dharmakshetra?Author "admin"How do we convert Kurukhestra into Dharmakshetra?
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

Kurukshetra ( mind and physical world – Sansar ) is where good and evil collide.

Meditation is an exposure to Dharma – our true built-in nature.

Bringing Dharma into our life turns Kurukshetra into Dharmakshetra.

Consciousness is purity.

Consciousness is divinity.

Consciousness is our built-in righteousness.

Arjun became a winner by turning the Kurukshetra into Dharmakshetra.

We are Arjun.

Our hero need not be Krishna ( yet ).

Our hero should be Arjuna because we can relate to him.

To become an ideal Arjun, we need –

1. Awareness of the conflicts of our life. ( Vishaad ) ( Restlessness ) – the essential step without which the spark does not ignite.
2. Acceptance of our inability to deal with these conflicts. ( “ I don’t know “ ). ( Ego realizing its own limits ).
3. Turning to the higher self. ( “ Acceptance of something higher than me.” – Humility – the opposite of Ego. ).
4. Devotion to the divine. ( Acceptance of it as the Supreme ).
5. Bhakti. ( very difficult to translate into English.

Bhakti is NOT singing His glory or dancing to the tunes.

Bhakti is BECOMING ONE with it – NO SEPARATION – 24×7.

Genuine gratitude expresses itself as Bhakti, and that is true Bhakti.

( 99% of the Bhakti is without these crucial steps, and it is not Bhakti ).


Following these steps turns Kurukshetra into Dharmakshetra.