What is Yogakshema mentioned in Geeta?

What is Yogakshema mentioned in Geeta?What is Yogakshema mentioned in Geeta?
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

The word yoga comes from the root word Yuj = connect.

A connection can be good, and a connection can be harmful also.

Our childhood is the best time of life, as we are content, happy, and have no desire to connect with anything or anyone.

Once we grow older, we are sent to school.

We study hard, compete in exams, go through bickering, compete, and have an effortful life to get a degree finally.

Once we get the degree, we look for jobs, face more politics, competition, etc., and finally come home with our first paycheck.

We went through all the efforts to connect with our first paycheck.

This is also yoga of connecting with money.

In the same way, we connect with objects of pleasure.

We work hard to connect with a girlfriend or boyfriend, connect with fame, recognition, connect with Facebook or TikTok clicks, etc.

All these are effortful activities to connect with something or someone that is not in our lives.

This makes us realize how much struggle we go through to connect with the things we want.

And kshema means all our efforts to preserve what we have already connected with.

Once we have money, we need to find ways to preserve it.

Make sure IRS does not take it away; someone does not steal it, etc.

Even till the end stage of life, we manage money to ensure it goes into the right hands.

We make sure someone else does not take away our girlfriend.

We work hard once we become famous so that fame does not go down or someone else becomes more famous than us.

Once we have “earned “ diabetes, heart disease, etc., by our harmful yoga, we have to go to the doctor’s office to manage them, take medications, inject daily insulin, etc.

Kshema is also effortful.

And we don’t see anything wrong with it.

If you reflect deeply, you will realize that the whole world is busy doing yoga, Kshema, or both at any given time.

But either way, nobody is at rest.

And all the restlessness we have acquired, we have chosen ourselves.

Ans spirituality says there is a way out of this cycle of Yogakshema.