What is Kurukshetra and Dharmakshetra?

What is Kurukshetra and Dharmakshetra?What is Kurukshetra and Dharmakshetra?
admin Staff answered 12 months ago

Kurukshetra is the physical world outside in which we have to act, and our mind which makes decisions as to how to act.

The outside world penetrates our mind via the five senses – eyes, ears, nose, touch, and taste.

This process is the same for all.

But, once the world penetrates our mind, how we deal with it is unique and very individual from person to person.

And that is an art – how to live life. ” Art of Living.”

Nobody can guide you, as everyone’s life is different. What one person has learned from his life may not apply to your life.

So, others’ advice also does not help.

So, what should we do?

That’s where knowing Darma helps.

Dharma is hidden within you.

The word Dharma comes from the root word “dhara” or ” adhar” – ( support ), and it refers to the consciousness that is hidden within us,

By meditating and connecting with the consciousness, one can realize what his/her Dharma is in any life situation.